Soft Spot

OLO Company

A juggler and a handstand artist in a thrilling balancing performance with hundreds of wine glasses.

Amidst hundreds of wine glasses, on wooden boards and a table, the juggler Arttu and the handstand artist Stina play with the boundaries of everyday objects and each other. Balancing points are moved playfully and easily in a story about fragility and sensitivity. Should they hold each other or dare to let go? How much can a glass carry?

OLO Company consists of Stina Otterström, who in addition to handstanding specializes in vertical rope, and Arttu Lahtinen, who has a particular interest in round objects. They both have degrees from the Stockholm University of the Arts’ circus program. Soft Spot is their first joint production.

By and with Stina Otterström, Arttu Lahtinen Outside eye Petter Wadsten, Wes Peden, Benjamin Richter Music Mika Forsling Light design Jaakko Sirainen Costume design Stina Otterström
Kulturhuset i Kungsängen

Furuhällsplan 1, Kungsängen
Date and time
Friday 16 February 19:00
Ticket price
Adults 150 sek
Children and young up to 26 years
110 sek
Student, retired, unemployed 110 sek


Vikingavägen 2, Märsta
Date and time
Sunday 18 February 17:00
Ticket price
Adults 150 sek
Up to 20 years 75 sek

60 min
No speech
Recommended age
All ages (from 7 years)